Sunday, March 23, 2014

10 Reasons Why Women Fall In Love With The Wrong Men

  1. He says all the right things at the right time. It is hard to think someone is scum when they are telling you that you are pretty, you are smart, and that they really, really like you. A smooth talker can make you believe that even your closest friends are wrong.
  2. He does small things that make you think he cares. However, if you start to notice, these small gestures do not really cost him anything.
  3. He is good in bed. Yes, sometimes great sex is all it takes for a man to keep a woman with him even when she knows the man is not right for her.
  4. He is good looking. We should know better than to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes, it is really nice to be in the arm of a man who turns heads. Who does not want to have the hottest boyfriend around? But there is more to a relationship than looks.
  5. You do not want to be the only single one in your group of friends. If everyone else is married or seeing someone, you do not want to feel left out or be the third wheel.
  6. Your friend set you up on a blind date, and now you feel like you owe it to them to keep dating him.
  7. You are thirty (or some other magic age) and feel like it is time to settle down. Do not let age define you, and do not settle for someone just because you feel like you should be married.
  8. You do not think anyone else is interested. Again, this is a very bad excuse for staying with someone. Do not let yourself fall for someone just because you do not think there is someone better out there.
  9. Being with someone who is not quite right is better than being alone. Do not let yourself think this -- you deserve to be with someone who makes you completely happy.
  10. He is not right, but I can change him! Oh, sweetie no, you really cannot change him even if you tried. If he is wrong for you, he is wrong for you. Move on before you find yourself so far into the relationship that your heart will be broken when he finally dumps you for the next new skirt he comes across.

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